Precision Machining Projects

From single prototype parts to low- and medium-volume production, Cobb Tool meets exacting specs, while building in cost and time efficiencies. See how our customers have benefited from this commitment.

Name This Part

Name This Part

As a job shop, Cobb Tool is sometimes contracted to produce fun and interesting parts.  And sometimes we...

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If I Had a Hammer

If I Had a Hammer

Cobb Tool recently created a pair of precision hand tools for a tier-one automotive supplier.  The customer...

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Location/Contact Information

Cobb Tool, Inc.
5886 Dodgen Road
Atlanta, Georgia  30126
18 miles from the Atlanta airport

To ask for a quote, define your project, or request a consult:


Cobb Tool

5886 Dodgen Road
Atlanta Georgia 30126
18 miles from the Atlanta airport